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TTC Willowdale Consultation Summary


TTC 5-Year Service and Customer Experience Action Plan Ward 18 – Willowdale – Consultation Summary

Consultation Date: November 24, 2023

Consultation Location: North York Centre Atrium (5150 Yonge Street)


TTC staff joined our office to host a community feedback session on the draft 5-Year Service and Customer Experience Action Plan. This session was attended by over 40 local residents who provided feedback on the draft 7-pillars of opportunity and 30-point action plan. Customer feedback with regard to 7-pillars of opportunity included:

Fostering a customer centric mindset

• Increase in-Station wayfinding, highlighting alternative access to subway platform and Station mezzanine (manage crowding)

• Increase in-Station staff at all times, particularly those familiar with local social services to provide sense of safety and security

• Switch to plastic seating to manage cleanliness concerns

• Develop larger surface network shelters with heating and additional seating

• Enforce by-law to stop customers from entering stations via bus bays and not paying fares

Enhance Safety and comfort at stops, Stations and in-vehicles

• Continue roll-out of Wi-Fi and cell service at Stations and in-tunnels

• Consider in-Station deep cleaning, power washing to clean the grime on subway platforms.

• Enforce by-law restricting customers from drinking alcohol or doing drugs on the train

• Enforce by-law restricting customers from being nude on the train

Enhancing the transit network

• Subway service should run 24-hours

• Capacity is not meeting demand – Yonge Night bus is usually over capacity

• Align night bus schedules to shorten waiting long periods at night bus stops

Accelerate integration with other transit agencies

• GO and TTC used to share a stop at Scarborough Centre Station but GO has moved their Station; want GO bus stop to be closer or have a TTC bus that stops at the GO stop

• YCCA – Yonge Corridor Condominium Association is in favour of the Cummer Station being built

o There is lots of development in the area and would benefit a lot of people, especially as a lot of new buildings won’t have car parking.

Streamline Information and Services

• Promote a phone number to call in an emergency not just QR codes and yellow strip

• Add additional real-time service signage at subway platforms

• Desire for more information about staff interactions with unhoused individuals (what the procedures are, where the individuals are directed each week/month/year)

Annual Service Plan 2025 – Considerations

• Express stop at Willowdale and Finch on the 939 as the gap from Bayview Avenue to Finch Avenue East is too long.

• Significant new construction between Beecroft Road and Doris Avenue, consider adding a new route to service this area.

• 95 and 995 bus times could connect better with class times at UTSC during weekday afternoon period.

Useful Resources:

The final round of consultation is open until December 1, 2023. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Transit wellbeing dashboard (Updated monthly). CLICK HERE

Learn about Safety and Security on the TTC. CLICK HERE

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