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EMAIL our provincial officials today and ask them to fund CUMMER STATION!
*Click the button and a formatted email will pop up OR you can CLICK HERE to COPY and PASTE the ADVOCACY LETTER for Cummer Station as well as email addresses of officials.
* Please note: The formatted email link works better on a Mobile Phone and your device needs to have a default email client installed, or linked to a webmail (E.g. Gmail, Outlook etc). Otherwise, use the copy and paste option mentioned above.
Unless we make our voices heard now, Willowdale’s future will not include a station at Cummer to serve 10,400+ future residents and the current 5,000+ Willowdale residents who live within a 0.8km distance from Yonge and Cummer.
I have submitted an 11th hour URGENT Motion to fight for a Cummer Station fully funded by the province because the City does not have the finances to pay the $445-470 million price tag.
Now it’s YOUR TURN! Send this advocacy letter to the Premier, ministers and our local MPP Minister Stan Cho who together must stand with Willowdale residents of today and tomorrow. We need YOUR VOICE!

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